
Mental Health and Me

Mental health is one of the most important things and after realising this the hard way, I know a lot of people take it for granted. I struggle mainly with anxiety, but as anyone who has suffered from anxiety, it is a quick step to depression. My anxiety is mainly triggered by the unknown, the future, and things that are outside my control. Which I know, will speak to a lot of people who struggle too. Now because of the triggers, I find it really hard to focus especially late at night or when I am tired, I find it hard to sleep without sound in the background and I struggle with letting go.

New website

Hiya guys, Just a short one from me today, there is an update in terms of my website address. I have been on blogger for a while but honestly I think I have outgrown some of this platform and want to take the next step. So I have invested a bit more time and launched a new website. All my old content is available on there and new content will be uploaded to there exclusively. One or two more posts are scheduled here but not much. Please come and follow me on  Thanks for all of your support and love it is really appreciated and I would love to see if the same continue on my new site 🧡

Television in Lockdown

So with over 100 days in lockdown, most of which I wasn't working from home, I found I had a lot of spare time. At first, I was in a big hole of depression, I didn't get dressed, I didn't look after myself and honestly, my IBS was off the charts. TMI I know. After finding a groove, we started shaping a routine mainly by watching the soaps, Eastenders and Coronation Street. Watching the Geoff storyline develop was hard but gripping at the same time. If you have them saved, I would watch them, they are great tele but also I stark reminder of what some people have to go through.

Old school cake - Recipe

Who out there remembers the cake we used to get at school, with pink icing and sprinkles? Well, I do, and let me tell you I was so happy when I found this recipe. It isn't mine, I don't know exactly who wrote it, I just saw it on a Facebook post and have saved it. It was in a strange order and so I thought I would pop it on here. Mainly so I don't have to keep searching on Facebook!!

The world turned upside-down

Not even going to start with an apology. It should just be a given at this point. Honestly, I can't even begin to tell you how much I have struggled with what is happening in the world, but as always we just try and plow on. What I have found comfort in over the last few months; is food, good T.V and my other half. I would normally add the cat in there but I think he enjoys our company more than we like his complaining.

Promises promises...

This always seems to happen and I can only apologise, but I don't want to dwell. What is happening around the world is far more pressing and this is the time we need to band together more than any other time. I suffer badly with anxiety and depression and with the current isolation I  am worrying it will get worse. At the moment I am finding strength by trying to help others. My boyfriend and I have a podcast and have started a new series on our journey through isolation. Now this is to be used as an escape for others rather than dwelling on the outside world which, can sometimes be too much, Episode one is up and live and I encourage you to have a listen, if you do and it isn't for you that is fine but we are here in other ways. We have Facebook , twitter and instagram , if you need support ask, we may not have all the answers but we can point you in the right direction. Having depression and battling anxiety I know, firsthand, that it is the most difficult step. ...

When life kicks your ass...

There has been some serious neglect over here, and I am so sorry. Life has been tough, and I don't think I have ever really explained why properly. I have always battled with anxiety and that led me to dabble with depression, I was in a relationship with my ex partner and even though this may seem extreme to say, it was abusive. Now, i don't mean physically but mentally, I couldn't see people, I wasn't in control of my money and so many other things. If you have been there you will know. I don't want to dwell on that, but that led to me cracking, in 2016. I recognised hat it had gotten to a stage where I couldn't even pretend to mange anymore. I was put on anti-depressants and began actually fighting these feelings. Since then, I have done CBT, counseling, and even taken up mindfulness and mediation. Now that is something I never thought I would say but it has actually helped. Early in 2019 I have came off my antidepressants, and apart from a panic atta...

New things coming - 2020
