When life kicks your ass...

There has been some serious neglect over here, and I am so sorry. Life has been tough, and I don't think I have ever really explained why properly. I have always battled with anxiety and that led me to dabble with depression, I was in a relationship with my ex partner and even though this may seem extreme to say, it was abusive. Now, i don't mean physically but mentally, I couldn't see people, I wasn't in control of my money and so many other things. If you have been there you will know. I don't want to dwell on that, but that led to me cracking, in 2016. I recognised hat it had gotten to a stage where I couldn't even pretend to mange anymore. I was put on anti-depressants and began actually fighting these feelings. Since then, I have done CBT, counseling, and even taken up mindfulness and mediation. Now that is something I never thought I would say but it has actually helped. Early in 2019 I have came off my antidepressants, and apart from a panic atta...