Fault in our Stars - Book Review

A little behind the times but I finally got round to reading Fault in our Stars. I have been meaning to read it for a long time but I set a deadline as me and my partner recently bought it on Blu Ray, so before we are allowed to watch it I have to read the book! I read the first chapter a few days ago but the rest of the book I finished in one day.

It is a very emotional book, it has moments of sadness followed by moments of happiness. The book is all about Hazel Grace Lancaster and her terminal cancer, however this isn't a book about cancer, but a book about how it affects lives and their perception of the world around them. Not just the people suffering from the awful illness but their friends, family and people they have come into contact with. A perfect quote from the book is 'the only thing worse than biting it from cancer, is having a kid biting it from cancer'.

Hazel's life is a bit mundane; she mainly sleeps, takes her pills, watches television and repeat. Until she meets Augustus Waters. He is an intriguing character who loves a good metaphor. These characters do so much in such a short time, but their story is a great one full of passion and true love.

This book is an emotional tale of illness, loss, grieving, love, life, and how to deal with them all. I thought it was amazing! Lots of laughs and a few tears but definitely worth the hype and a read. John Green writes the characters so beautifully, I could picture them so clearly; all their mannerisms and quirks. Most parts during the book I felt like I was Hazel, I could relate to her on so many levels.

I don't want to go into too much detail but it was amazing and I am looking forward to see if the film will live up to, my now high, expectations.

Let me know if you enjoyed this post, and would like to see any more of these kinds of posts below! Also, please check out my partner's review of the book - rantingbegins - very funny posts about day to day life :)



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