Home baking - Scones
Cooking and baking is something I love to do in my spare time (not that I get a lot of it!) When I do get a spare moment I never normally have a great deal already in the house, but this is one recipe I could never get bored with.
350g Self raising flour
1 Tsp Baking powder
85g Butter
175mls Milk
1 Beaten egg
For sweet scones add 1tbls caster sugar
For savoury add a dash of salt and pepper
This makes about 8 medium scones and is really easy to do. Preheat oven to 200c (fan assisted)
Simply add all the dry ingredients to a bowl and mix together.

Followed by the butter, rub with you finger tips until the mixture resembles bread crumbs.
Then add the milk and mix until it forms a soft dough.
On a lightly floured surface; roll into a long thick sausage shape with your hands, then using a knife cut into evenly sized pieces.

Then with your hands form into balls, placing them onto a lightly greased oven tray; flattening them on top slightly. Then finally egg wash each scone and place into the oven for 15 - 20 minutes or golden on top.
I also made cherry scones; I roughly chopped some glacé cherries and added them just after I got the mix to the breadcrumb stage, then added the milk.
Formed the dough, cut and shaped them, egg washed the tops and added a extra cherry on the top. They take the same amount of time in the oven.
1 Tsp Baking powder
85g Butter
175mls Milk
1 Beaten egg
For sweet scones add 1tbls caster sugar
For savoury add a dash of salt and pepper
This makes about 8 medium scones and is really easy to do. Preheat oven to 200c (fan assisted)
Simply add all the dry ingredients to a bowl and mix together.

Then add the milk and mix until it forms a soft dough.

Then with your hands form into balls, placing them onto a lightly greased oven tray; flattening them on top slightly. Then finally egg wash each scone and place into the oven for 15 - 20 minutes or golden on top.
Scones are great as you add anything to them and try out different flavours.
All you have to do it add your extra ingredients at the breadcrumb stage;

Formed the dough, cut and shaped them, egg washed the tops and added a extra cherry on the top. They take the same amount of time in the oven.
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