Cooking - My Chicken Kiev and Dauphinoise Potatoes
This something I tend to make quite often as a bit of a posh tea (dinner), which is especially good when you are having a few people over.
For dishes I have made quite often just start doing it by ear, however I have tried my best to keep an eye on quantities, as well as keep a track of all the utensils I have used.
Utensils needed;
- Medium and large bowl
- Garlic crusher
- Tbsp, Tsp, Fork
- 3L Oven proof dish
- Cocktail stick and a mug
- Tongs or fish slice
- A set of good knives
- Kitchen roll or grease proof paper
- Mandolin/ slicer attachment on food processor
- Non stick pan
- Non stick oven tray
- 3 Plates or bowl

Garlic Butter
2 Tbsp of good butter (salted or unsalted is your preference)
2-3 Cloves of garlic
1 tsp Lemon juice
2 tsp Tarragon
Preheat oven to 200c (fan assisted) 180c (conventional) gas mark six.

First, using a garlic crusher (or if you don't have one finely chop) crush the garlic into a medium size bowl. then tarragon, lemon juice and finally the butter. Using a tablespoon thoroughly combine the ingredients.
Take your 3L dish for your dauphinoise potatoes and get some kitchen roll or greaseproof paper and rub some garlic butter all over the oven proof dish.
After completing this, cover the rest of the butter with cling film and place the butter into a fridge to set a little.

White potatoes - 5 - 7 medium
500ml double cream
3-5 cloves of garlic (depending on taste)
2 Teaspoons of Tarragon
Optional - red onions
50g of a cheese of your choice (I used grated cheddar)
Get your jug and crush your garlic into it, followed by the tarragon and finally pour in the cream, giving a quick stir and set to one side.
Grab your large bowl and fill it with cold water (enough to cover the potatoes). As you peel the potatoes place them into the cold water as this stops them getting discoloured.
Once they have all been peeled, either finely slice (if you are confident), use a mandolin or as I have use an attachment on my food processor.

Then bring back your oven dish and start to layer half the potatoes and red onion (if using), then give the cream mixture another stir (as the good bits might settle at the bottom) and pour over half of the liquid.
Then carry on using up all of the potato.

I personally leave my red onion until last and place it on the top; so it gets lovely and crispy and sometimes I add a few bits of garlic butter on the top.
Then place the dish on a high shelf in the oven for about an hour.
Chicken Kiev
1 Chicken breast per person
Garlic butter
Plain flour
1 Medium egg

First get some cocktail sticks, I normally end up using 3 per breast, and place them into a mug or glass or bowl of warm water. This will stop them catching or burning in the oven.

Take your chicken breast and turn it over, sometimes they have a flap on the back.

Then grab your garlic butter out of the fridge and place a small knob of butter into the hole you just made, fold over and secure in place with cocktail sticks.
As you can see a little of my butter is poking out but don't worry it'll still taste great!
Next get three bowls or I prefer plates and put your plain flour, beaten egg and breadcrumbs on or in them.
(please remember to take out of the packaging and shell :) )

At this point you can cover the kievs and store them in the fridge until you are ready to cook.

Place your non-stick pan on the hob and heat up a small splash of oil, once the oil is hot enough but the kiev into the pan to get the sides lovely and golden.

Once the kiev is lovely and golden on both sides, move to a non stick oven tray and place into the oven, underneath the dauphinoise. They should only take 30 to 20 mins however they will keep in the oven if your dauphinoise take a little longer. If they are getting a bit too golden, cover in a little foil and place to the bottom of the oven.

After the hour is up for your potatoes, you need to sprinkle cheese over the top for the last 20 mins of cooking, I cheated and used already grated cheddar but you can choose whichever cheese you want. I used about 50g but adjust to taste. Pop back into the oven for another 20 mins or so, until the cheese is melted and golden.

And there you go. Don't forget to take the cocktail sticks out, or at least tell your diners!
I have sampled this meal and it is amazing :P